Pac-List - Empack Sweden 2023

Pac-List: Pioneering Sustainable Packaging at EmpackSweden

Last week marked a significant milestone for Scandi Bureau and their client, Pac-List, as they attended the Empack Fair in Stockholm, a premier event in the packaging industry. This fair provided an excellent platform for Pac-List, a leading French manufacturer specialising in self-adhesive document envelopes for letters and parcels, to showcase their innovative and eco-friendly products.

Leading the green transition in packaging

Pac-List has established itself as a frontrunner in the packaging industry, particularly with its commitment to the green transition. They have achieved a remarkable feat by being the first to develop a paper-based document pouch, entirely produced in Europe. This sustainable approach has not only positioned them as a leader in France but also across the European market. Their innovative product is a testament to their dedication to environmental responsibility and sustainable business practices.

EmpackSweden: a hub for innovation

The Empack Fair in Stockholm is more than just an event; it’s a hub for the latest trends and innovations in the packaging industry. For Pac-List, it was an opportunity to demonstrate their groundbreaking paper-based document pouch to a wider audience. The fair attracts industry leaders and experts, making it an ideal venue for Pac-List to expand their reach and influence in the packaging sector.

Scandi Bureau: facilitating market entry

Scandi Bureau’s role in accompanying Pac-List to the Empack Fair is a part of their broader mission to facilitate the company’s entry into the Swedish market. With their expertise in French-Nordic business relations, Scandi Bureau is uniquely positioned to help Pac-List navigate the complexities of expanding into new markets. Their support is crucial in building connections, understanding local market dynamics, and ensuring a smooth entry for Pac-List into the Swedish market.

The future of sustainable packaging

The participation of companies like Pac-List in the Empack Fair highlights a growing trend in the packaging industry towards sustainability. Their paper-based document pouch is not just a product; it’s a statement about the future of packaging. It shows that innovation and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand, leading the way for other companies to follow.

Scandi Bureau’s collaboration with Pac-List at the Empack Fair is a step towards a greener and more sustainable future in packaging. As Pac-List continues to make strides in the industry with their eco-friendly products, Scandi Bureau will be there to support and guide them through their journey in the Swedish market and beyond.

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